2024 Dec.


Men-Chuen “Share The Joy” Year-End Festival

  “Employees First”. To show appreciation to employees’ hard work over the year, Men-Chuen President, Mr. Ching-Ho Chung hosted a year-end party at Logistic Center in Luzhu. The exciting day opened with loud cheering for the fun competitions and games.
  The banquet seating was arranged with employees in mind so that everyone can clearly see the main stage. The banquet and showtime starts with videos of managers from each factory site leading staffs dancing “APT”, followed by group dance and singing, all performed by employees and moderated by employee.
  Employees passionately participated in the fun, which was the whole idea of “Employees First”.
  Famous party caterer provided delicious feast for all attendees, including employees, collaborators and customers. Everyone enjoyed the feast and festive event! WE look forward to 2025!